Finance & Tax support
Have you registered already as a business? Did you know you can get the taxes back from the government if you buy things to invest in yourself as a dancer? For example: Meet & Train is a network and training event for dancers. So if you work as a dancer and pay for a training location as this, you can get the taxes back of the entrance price! Learn more about doing this with step by step help from B-Funk!
How it works
You can create your own package by choosing what services you want to use!
Free training session
Get the information you need for registering & doing your taxes
Contact B-Funk or ask about it @Meet & Train
making sure you're ready to go
Whatsapp reminders for doing the tax return
Get a weekly reminder from the moment you can fill in the tax return, till the moment you give us confirmation of completion.
Never forget to do the tax return anymore
avoid unnecessary fines
Tax & moneybird account support
Contact us by whatsapp to get every question answered!
Ask us what ever you need to know
Do you know what costs you can get the tax back on?
Online support while doing the tax return
Be sure to do it right, we can help you check if it all goes well
use it for as long as you need
Cancel anytime when you're confident enough in doing it yourself
Invoice & receipts
Send your invoice or receipt by whats app, and we will save it to your moneybird account!
Included in business plan
no more headaches!
How can we help?
* Door ondertekening van dit formulier geeft u toestemming aan (A) B-Funk Platform om doorlopende incasso-opdrachten te sturen naar uw bank om een bedrag van uw rekening af te schrijven en (B) aan uw bank om doorlopend een bedrag van uw rekening af te schrijven overeenkomstig de opdracht van B-Funk Platform. Als u het niet eens bent met deze afschrijving kunt u deze laten terugboeken. Neem hiervoor binnen 8 weken na afschrijving contact op met uw bank. Vraag uw bank naar de voorwaarden.
maandelijks telefonisch opzegbaar of via whatsapp: 06-45 97 13 45